Category: others

Important Roles of PET-CT in Cancer Management

Important Roles of PET-CT in Cancer Management

Why PET-CT? Proper management of cancer requires accurate diagnosis and staging of the cancer. This is to ensure there is no Under-treatment, for example, missing potential curative treatment in oligometastatic (primary cancer with limited metastatic disease) cancer or small lymph nodes not clearly noticed from CT images. Over-treatment in widely disseminated cancer, saving patients from … Continue reading Important Roles of PET-CT in Cancer Management

How Do We: Assess Treatment (Chemotherapy, Targeted Therapy) Side Effects?

Undeniably, cancer treatments, whether with chemotherapy or targeted therapy, might cause some side effects. Might occur, not must occur. A lot of time now, pre-medication is incorporated into treatment/ chemotherapy regimes to prevent side effects from happening at all. Incidence of side effects or it’s severity increases for patients with poor nutritional status, poor hydration or … Continue reading How Do We: Assess Treatment (Chemotherapy, Targeted Therapy) Side Effects?

How Do We: Assess Tumor Response To Treatment?

How Do We: Assess Tumor Response To Treatment?

Mr P, who is currently undergoing palliative chemotherapy metastatic rectal cancer (liver, lung), came to review his CT restaging after cycle 6 chemotherapy. Four liver lesions, previously 2.5cm, 2cm, 1cm, 0.5cm showed only slight reduction in size to 2.2cm, 1.5cm, 1cm, 0.5cm. Lung lesions,  previously 2cm and 1cm show slight reduction also in size to 1.5cm, … Continue reading How Do We: Assess Tumor Response To Treatment?